School Report Cards
Educational Options
School districts are required to provide a list of the educational options available to children who reside in the pupil's resident school district, including public schools, private schools participating in a private school choice program, charter schools, virtual schools, full-time open enrollment, youth options, course options, and options for pupils enrolled in a home-based private educational program. Please use the links below for more information.
Open Enrollment
Early College Credit
Private schools participating in a Parental Choice Program are St. Mark's Catholic School - under the Newman Catholic School umbrella, St. John Lutheran school, St. Peter Lutheran School, and Northland Lutheran High School
School Report Cards
This page contains the state report cards for the D.C. Everest School District and our schools. If you have accessibility concerns, please email the D.C. Everest Curriculum Department.
DPI Disclaimer: DPI assumes responsibility for our online content, including PDF reports, and we are working to be in compliance with WCAG.
Accountability Report
The Department of Public Instruction (DPI) produces report cards for every district and school in Wisconsin. These report cards provide data on multiple indicators. Because of the COVID-19 pandemic and the student assessment waivers for 2020-2021, the Department of Public Instruction is prohibited by section 115.385(6) of the state statutes from publishing a school or district accountability report for the 2020-2021 school year. "Report Cards" for the 2023-2024 school year are the most current available.