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General Info/Policies

Bicycles, Rollerblades, Skateboards, Scooters and Rollershoes

Students who walk, ride a bicycle, or skate to school will be dismissed with pick-up students prior to the dismissal of busses. Students who ride bicycles to school are to practice good safety habits at all times. Helmets should be worn. Bicycles are to be walked to and from the bicycle rack area and off school grounds. Violation of this rule may result in the loss of the privilege of bringing a bicycle to school. The school is not responsible for the damage or theft of bicycles.

Students are not permitted to use in-line skates (i.e. “rollerblades, skateboards, roller-shoes & scooters”) on school property. Students who choose to use these items for transportation to school must remove and carry them before entering the school driveway, parking lot or sidewalks. These items should be placed in backpacks during the school day.

Change of Address

Parents who have moved and whose children remain in the same school are required to send a change of address and phone number to us as soon as the move is completed. Changes can also be made through the Infinite Campus parent portal.

Dangerous Toys/Weapons

Objects that might be considered dangerous are not allowed in school. Toys such as squirt guns, fireworks, rubber bands, cap guns, knives, etc., are not allowed at school. These items will be confiscated. Weapons and look-a-like weapons are not allowed on school grounds. (See D.C. Everest School District Board Policy 5772)

Drug/Alcohol Abuse

According to the D.C. Everest District’s School Board Policy 5530 – Drug Prevention, all schools are to be free of drug and alcohol abuse. Students are not allowed to bring, have in their possession, or use drugs or alcohol on school grounds, on transportation provided by the district, or at school-sponsored functions.

District/State Testing

Each year, the D.C. Everest District administers standardized and criterion performance tests to elementary students. The tests are given throughout the year to assist teachers in monitoring student progress and to provide information to aid in the remediation of student weaknesses in academic areas.

  • The universal screening tool iReady is an adaptive assessment used in grades K-5 for math and in grades 4-5 for literacy to help determine where students might have gaps in knowledge and skills and need assistance. For grades K-3 in the area of literacy, aimswebPlus is the universal screening tool chosen by Wisconsin as a comprehensive assessment of young children's knowledge of literacy foundational skills that are predictive of future reading success.
  • iReady and aimswebPlus universal reading screening data will also be used to determine which students would benefit from continuing in the screening process through use of informal, diagnostic, individually administered assessment tools in the areas of phonemic awareness, decoding, fluency, and spelling. This will help us identify students who display risk factors associated with dyslexia/related difficulties. The results from these assessments are not intended or designed to diagnose dyslexia; their purpose is to identify children who are experiencing reading difficulties that may require extra support and ensure that support is targeted to each student’s areas of need.
  • In spring, the Wisconsin Forward Exam will be administered to all students in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades. The Forward Exam is a large-scale, standardized achievement test designed to assess what students know in relation to the Wisconsin Academic Standards. Students in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade will take the reading and math portions of the exam. Fourth grade students will also be tested in science and social studies.